Supporting the Network

Supporting the Network : « Food Security and Climate in Sub Saharan Africa » (Network  SACASS)

Download the original call

Arthur Riedacker Research Director at INRA (National Agronomical Research Institute) former negotiator for climate , and Peace co Nobel prize for its contributions to IPCC since 1990 Jean Marc Boussard Research Director at INRA (National Agronomical Research Institute) Joseph Racapé, Former member of the Interministerial Mission for the Greenhouse Effect, in charge of agriculture.

We would like to disseminate in the near future this Call with the names of individuals and organization dealing supporting this initiative. Are invited to do so all specialists concerned by this issue (agronomists, economists, social scientists, negotiators, decision makers etc.), as well as NGOs from Sub- Saharan Africa and from industrialized countries dealing with projects in agriculture.

Specialists and NGOs are also invited to take part- or to make suggestions – for the five tasks indicated in this Call.

Before the end of Spring 2010 we need to collect all the elements to write a book , and possibly also to organize a Seminar  to make  this approach known by decision makers, by specialized groups as well as by  the public. For each of these groups adapted approaches and material are to be elaborated.

Our is also to demonstrate, between 2010 and 2012, the feasibility under the new Kyoto Protocol, and the viability of this approach by setting up prototype projects  in Sub-Saharan countries with NGOs.

We do thank you in advance for your suggestions and for indicating us concrete and documented field trials which could be useful for this approach. Documents in pdf and word which might be useful are also welcome and could be placed on our website or linked with it . .

Your name : (or name of the NGO with the name of the chairman or of the director) :
Postal Address :
Country :
Email :

1/ I agree (we are) to support publicly this initiative.

2/ I can (we can) also participate in one of the five tasks indicated in the Call.

2bis/ I can (we can) only contribute in one of the five tasks of the Call.
Number of the task (or of the tasks) to which we can contribute:               Task  Nr:

3/ I can ( we can) also support financially this initiative.

  • 15 €  or $ / 30 € or $  or more.
  • I may also ask my company, my local authority, my NGO, etc.,  to support this action.
  • My company, my local authority, my NGO etc. would like to be mentioned as a sponsor of this approach  (Please do specify) :

Banking order to « Oikos-Sacass » to be sent to
Oikos Sacass
8 rue de Saint Aubin
28300 Amilly

A fiscal receipt will be delivered in return.

4/ Suggestions (for contacts and others), remarks etc. to improve this approach:

We do thank you for your support and your cooperation,

Arthur Riedacker, Jean Marc Boussard, Joseph Racapé

Contacts :

This will help to achieve the 5 tasks and actions mentioned in the call. These values have been chosen to show that with a small amount of money (corresponding to the annual payment for avoiding land use change and avoided GHG emissions, during 50 years) cereal productions can be easily increased on the phosphorous poor or depleted soils poor African soils, getting to day no inputs; one 50 kg bag of fertiliser costing 30 € could for instance allow to double yields of cereals which today, without inputs, are about 1 t per ha.

Just as an indication; EU livestock farmer who are not the wealthiest people, as we know, get about 200 € (France) to 300 € (Denmark) per ha of direct subsidies (Source : RICA-RAD 2003).

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